Monday, April 12, 2010

We're A MAY Zing!

Hi all!
May is Mental Health Month! Yeah! We have lots of activities planned to celebrate. First, we will have a special presentation on April 19th at 7pm. "Relapse Prevention and Reduction Strategies in Schizophrenia." The guest speaker is Dr. Michael Fuller from Glaveston TX. This will be a great event with refreshments afterwards. Please call Martice at 859-272-7891 to RVSP.

NEXT, May 21st is the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Participation Station. The Station is a peer operated center that focuses on education, wellness, recovery and fun! If you are a consumer, come visit and get involved. Goto for more info and our current schedule. All are welcome to the grand opening.

NEXT, May 27th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating NAMI Lexington's 25th Anniversary!! We will be at Eastern State Hospital in the gym with a night of fiesta, food and focus. NAMIFEST! We will also be viewing the movie"When Medicine Got It Wrong." It is a rivoting film about the history of NAMI and mental illness.

I would love to see you at any or all of these events!

Participation Station is soon going to be offering a Warm Line. This is a phone number that consumers can call in the place of the crisis line if they just need to talk. It will be manned by trained consumers. I'll keep you posted on this one.

As for me personally, I am still making the trip to Cincinnati every week to see my incredible therapist, Dr. Barbara Hensley. I keep thinking that I will be done soon, but something new always seems to pop up that we need to work on. My loving husband is SO supportive of anything I need to do to be in recovery and he drives me up to Cincy every week. God Bless him!!

Until next time America,
