Thursday, March 15, 2007

Webmaster Updates

Hi all! Long time, no Blog! I just wanted you all to know that I have been updating our website about twice a week.
  • Be sure to check out the calendar to see where we are on a given day and time.
  • I have added a link under Resources that lists most all of the current medications available and general information about them. There is also a link on that same page to descriptions of most of the major mental illnesses that NAMI focuses their time on. All this information is written in easy to understand language.
  • I have compressed the NAMIWALKS information from past walks. For our NAMIWALK 2007, there is a direct link to our NAMI National website where you can register, form a team, donate, and lots of other things pertaining to this years Walk on October 13, 2007.
  • There is a link under KY Advance Mental Health Directive. This is information about filling out this document & its history. The actual fill-in-the-blanks form is also included. I would HIGHLY recommend completing and printing out this document in you or your family member's time of wellness to be prepared when/if a crisis arises. Keep it in a safe place.
  • My psychiatrist, Dr. Michael Rieser, has started a radio call-in show called Inside Your Head. It airs every Saturday from 1pm-2pm on 96.1 FM. He does a great job of increasing awareness and stamping out the stigma associated with mental illness. So call-in with your questions or comments. He'd love to have more than his "10 faithful listeners."

If you have anything you would like added to the website or if you have any suggestions on how to improve it, please email me at or leave me a comment on this blog.

UK battles Villanova this weekend in the NCAA Tournament. GO CATS!

Have a Good Weekend Everybody!

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