Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I didn't realize that had it has been over a year since last you heard from me!!! I guess I had better let you know that this has been an exciting year for me. As the Outreach Coordinator for NAMI Lexington, it has been an exhilarating year. Our work began in advocating for the replacement of Eastern State Hospital. The ESH Town Hall Meeting as well as the days spent in Frankfort, talking to the legislators, was indeed a learning experience. In the midst of all that, I got married in April! Wow, the time has really flown...8 months have passed and my husband Ralph is right there advocating with me. We have so many things to be thankful for.
I am looking forward to the Blue Christmas, Santuary for the Soul, that is happening this Sunday, Dec. 21st at 5 p.m. The interfaith service is open to everyone. This wonderful event is being co-sponsored by Central Christian Church, Short Street, Lexington in the main sanctuary.
Along those lines, I would like to share a message that I wrote...


Why so downcast oh my soul? Put your trust and hope in God! Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD sees you through them all! Inspired by Psalm 34

A Blue Christmas, the dark night of my soul is the thought that came to me as I reflected on my journey. Winter solstice is the longest night of the year. Winter sets in and the darkness of being alone, without loved ones you cherished and held dear comes to call. The last thing you want someone to tell you is “Snap out of it! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pray harder!” Sometimes, it is okay to allow yourself to feel the pain and experience the losses without any expectation.
As a Believer in the Jesus Way, my hope is truly built on His love for me. The only way I can begin to receive His love is when I study His word and see what He has in store for me.
The Creator of the universe loved me so much that He came in the form of a baby by humbling himself and being born in a manager because there was no room in the inn. Rejection…plain and simple…literally from the cradle to the grave…without anywhere to be born or later to be buried; Jesus was clearly my example of how to handle the emotions that come when you are dealing with major life changes.
The longest night of the soul for Christ Jesus, came in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he went to the Mount of Olivet and prayed. He asked Father to take this cup of sorrow from him; yet He prayed, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He submitted His will to Father and died for my sins and yours upon a tree.
Although I have had many dark days due to major depression, my soul is now at peace as I realize ALL things have worked together for my good because I love the LORD, have asked Him to be the Master of my life and trust by faith that I am forgiven!
Prayer: Father, help me to realize today how much you love me and how much you care for me. Thank you for coming into the world and dying for me to have eternal life with you forever. Amen.
It is my hope for you to have a blessed and prosperous 2009! Please support us in the work that still needs to be done for those without a voice...No Stigma, Know More, Know NAMI!!!
Blessings, Yondi and Family

Christmas presents

We have a great Christmas present in the mental health community! Bluegrass MH/MR announced last week that Shannon Ware has been appointed as the new President and CEO of Bluegrass!!! We look forward to working with her to achieve our goal of getting a new state of the art hospital.

As for me, I am getting a Christmas present in the form of the Blue Christmas service that I discussed in my previous post. I look forward to getting away from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and "resting my soul" for a little while. We are planning a very special service so I hope all of you can join us.

How about that snow this morning? Snow AND ice I should say. I love to be inside watching the snow and not having to drive in it. Be careful out there! The weatherman is forcasting snow on Sunday for our service, but we will still be there as long as the roads aren't too bad. We'll keep you posted.

I'd like to say a special thank you to all our volunteers who have helped us with all our events this past year. Without you NAMI Lexington would never get anything done! YOU GUYS ROCK!

I would also like to thanks to Kelly Gunning, our Executive Director and "fearless leader" for all her dedication to our cause. Without her leadership, NAMI Lexington would not be where it is today. As part of her staff, I just wanted to say thank you to her for supporting me and all the other consumers out there that aren't able to say thank you because of their circumstances.

Thanks also go out the awesome staff I work with. Angelina, Joy, Yondi, Phill, Mama Faye and Gina make everything run so smoothly behind the scenes.

Alright, I got a bit mushy, but I think it needed to be said considering this is the end of a great year for us.

Always remember with NAMI Lexington, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Merry Christmas and a marvelous New Year to each and every one of you!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas time is ALMOST here!

It's been a while since my last post so I wanted to bring you all up to speed. We had a great Walk! We had over 1,100 people there and I know everyone had a great time.

We also had our annual Heroes in the Fight Awards. The Governor and the First Lady were there to receive the Wings Award and Joe Toy, CEO of Bluegrass Mental Health was there to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. Thank you to both of them for their committment to improving the lives of us living with mental illnesses.

As for the new hospital, it is moving along smoothly. The RFP came out recently giving us some more information about how many beds may be in the hospital. We are very excited about that. There are several more steps until we break ground but our dream is getting closer and closer! I'll keep you posted.

Right now, we are gearing up for our Annual Blue Christmas Service that will be held on Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 5:00pm at Central Christian Church in Lexington. This service is for anyone feeling isolated, lonely, sad, grieving, hurt, overwelmed or empty. We ask that you come to this special service to "Rest your soul."

Our Annual Consumer/Family Christmas Party will be held on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 2:30pm-4:00pm at the Faye Morton Consumer and Family Center on the grounds of Eastern State Hospital. We will have lots of good food and fun. We will also have a brief business meeting to elect new officers to our NAMI Lexington Board of Directors for 2009-2010. So all NAMI members please try to attend.

As for me, personally, I have begun a new therapy called EMDR (eye movement desensitization & reprossessing). I am seeing Dr. Barbara Hensley in Cincinnati for this specialized form of therapy. It is for trauma survivors. I have had significant childhood trauma. This treatment seems to be working!! I am so excited that I have found something that actually seems to be treating the root of the problem rather than just the symptoms. If you are interested in more information on this life changing therapy please email me at blind.justice@insightbb.com.

Hopefully, I will get to post before Christmas but if not, have a safe and Happy Holiday Season!!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kick Off the Walk & Roll at the Cabaret!

Come join us on 8-8-08 for our annual Kick off for the Walk event. This year we will be having a Cabaret theme. The party will be held in the courtyard at Bluegrass MH/MR Regional Office on Newtown Pike (we ask that you use the Citation Blvd. entrance) under big tents from 7pm-11pm. We will have The Bats performing their Cabaret to Rock n Roll type of entertainment for all the party goers. They promise that you will have a great time and so do we! We will be having great food and drinks and a cash bar catered by the Saute' Cafe' as well. So come out and party with us and we will see you there!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Out of the Shadows on KET

There is a new special available for online viewing at
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/takeonestep/depression/video-ch_01.html KET has produced this wonderful program. Jane Pauley is also involved with this project. Go check this one out also!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

MTV True Stories - I Have Schizophrenia

Hey everyone! I have been missing in action for about a week with my "noise," but I am back and ready to work for NAMI and keep all of you up-to-date on all the goings on at NAMI Lexington.

MTV did a show about 3 people living with schizophrenia and how it affects their lives. NAMI is mentioned a few times during the video. Please check it out...it's eye opening. Here's the link to the special in its entirety:


Don't forget about our Gourmet Social on Thursday, June 12 at 7:00pm at the Bluegrass Board Room on Newtown Pike. Call our office at (859)272-7891 for more details.

Even with setbacks, I continue on this journey...


Monday, May 12, 2008

WTVQ, Channel 36 does a special series

WTVQ, Channel 36, will be featuring stories on the 5:00pm and 6:00pm newscast on May 13th, 14th and 15th to celebrate Mental Health Month and to try to break the stigma associated with mental illnesses. On May 13th, the topic will be depression, on May 14th, they will focus on bipolar disorder/schizophenia and on May 15th, they will talk about suicide. So tune in to Channel 36 to check out these great stories. Thanks to Greg Stotelmyer for covering our mental health stories!

We did it! We did it! We did it!

Because of all your phone calls and sending postcards to the governor's office, we are getting a replacement for Eastern State Hospital. You should all pat yourself on the back! Can you believe it's actually going to happen?!? I'm so happy, I'm sure you are too!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Call your legislators now! Especially those in the House of Representatives. We want Bluegrass Mental Health-Mental Retardation Board, Inc. to run the new hospital because they have done such a wonderful job running Eastern State and Oakwood. Where would this State be without Bluegrass? You can find out ho your legislators are by going to www.nami.org/advocacy or you can call 1-800-372-7181 to leave a message to one or all of your legislators. This is so important!!! So act today!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Please go to www.bluegrass.org/supportesh/ to support the building of a NEW Eastern State Hospital!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Open Town Meeting/Media Event

Hello everybody! Please read and do the following...

Please join NAMI Lexington in creating support for the General Assembly to:

Include funding for a replacement of Eastern State Hospital in his 2008 capital projects budget.


Send the message that funding for the new hospital and Behavioral Health need be PRIORITIES!!!


Create support by attending our Town Meeting/Media Event

Eastern State Hospital Town Meeting/Media Event
Friday January 25, 2008 - 2:30pm
Megowan Gymnasium at Eastern State Hospital

Contacting Governor Besear directly, asking him to include funding for replacing Eastern State Hospital in his 2008 budget.

The Behavioral Health Care System can not absorb anymore CUTS!!!

Governor Beshear
Phone: (502) 564-2611 --- Steve,Beshear@ky.gov

Where there's a will...there's a way!
Creating support~together we will find a way.

For additional information: NAMI Lexington
Phone (859) 272-7891 --- http://lexington.nami.org