Thursday, February 8, 2007

Snowy Days

Sometimes snowy days can really cause you to reflect about life changes. Our lives are a lot like snowflakes...different, yet quite beautiful. I am reminded that ALL things work together for our good and help us to become the best person we can be. I am so blessed to be a part of the NAMI Lexington team.

It has now been one year since my Family to Family class. Like the snowflakes, my life purpose is becoming a lot clearer. Having dealt with depression for the better part of my life...starting at age 15 and not diagnosed until my 30's....I am now seeing how different my life journey may have been had I had a deeper understanding of mental illness and how it had affected my choices and decisions.

So, instead of sitting around, I choose to advocate to help others out of the prisions in their mind regarding illnesses of the brain. It is a blessing to be at this point in my journey and I am wanting to obtain more peace within to deal with the issues that face me everyday. My life is not perfect by far and I have daily struggles, but I have a peace that passes understanding and I give the God of my understanding, the glory for this! Hugs, Yondi

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